Saturday, November 24, 2012

10 things...

10 things you did not know about me...

1. I grew up in the child welfare system

2. I lived in a convent as a kid and LOVED it

3. I cry at all baptisms, even though I am not sure where I stand on the God stuff

4. I am terrified of birds

5. I struggle every day with my children getting older, I miss the younger years A LOT

6. I tell Amanda everything!

7. I peek at all presents, even if they are not for me

8. I desperately want to go work in an orphanage for a while

9. I love boobs, my boobs, others, I do. When guys say, " If I had boobs, I would touch them all the time, I don't touch them all the time, but I like them"

10. Sometimes I wish I would keep more things to myself...

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