Monday, April 30, 2012

Jakob's Rugby!

 Jakob started rugby with his school and he is a lifter guy and a pusher guy and a runner guy. Ok I know those are not terms used to describe rugby but he does a lot of things on his team. I know he is not the team hooker!
Here he is looking good in his wee shorts!

practicing something

Jake would not be Jake if he as not somewhat strange!

Tatyanah would not be Tatyanah if she was not being more strange!

It was pouring rain and so cold, Taty and I went to watch in the car!

Doing a whole lot of rugby here!

Some of the parents were really worried to see an ambulance parked at the rugby field, it was only Tim, watching Jake's game!

It is really cool to watch Jakob play, he is not totally sure hat he is doing but I can see he is really having fun and making friends. He is a good player too.

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