Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cool book! Only $3

Nurturing Creativity is about embracing the seasons of motherhood and appreciating where you are while helping you to make creativity a priority in your life.
It will encourage you to let go of perfection, to start small, and to find inspiration in everyday living. This little book will challenge you to make the most of the time you do have.
Time you can spend creating beauty and meaning - with your head, heart, and hands. 
I know you're a busy mom so this book is short (just under 50 PDF pages). You can easily read it in one sitting or savor it slowly. 
It contains not just my words but the experience of six other creative moms. Beautiful, "extra"ordinary, inspirational women who are in the thick of raising children - toddlers to teenagers. Moms just like you.
At $3.00 this encouraging e-book is less than a beverage at your favorite café.

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