Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bigger Loser!!!

Ok so I have no pictures but I have lost 5.4 lbs, not a ton but I am losing and I am proud, except for the fact that I screwed my right leg from the knee down up like crazy. I wonder how people do it when they have serious injuries? It is probably the muscles all spazzing out, but I am going to have it checked at physio Thursday! However our trainer, Amanda, love her feisty little self, just about KILLED me when she messaged it and then wrapped it in tape...OUCH!!!!!! I am able to run and do dome things but standing still and walking KILL me. I can not run all the time, and I sweat like nobody's business!
I went to the On the Ball class tonight and had so much fun, I was able to keep up for most of the class and did not care that I was not one of the skinny girls there, it is great to feel great! My leg did OK, my crazy feet, new shoes, well that is a whole other complaint! I swear Amanda would kill me if she heard me complain again, not really she is amazing!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Kathy!! We are very proud of you. Rooting for you from Hollywood.....LOL!!

One Alberta Voice said...

Woot woot! Excellent!!

Sorry to hear about your leg. :( My own knees are a mess right now because of muscles and tendons out of whack--I can't even really run at all, so hang in there!!

Bella Fiore said...

Kathy, I am so incredibly happy for you! <3

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I feel your pain on the sweat thing. I *so* do not ~glow~ when I work out!