Monday, February 6, 2012

Midwife Of Venice

For book club this month, Terrill picked the Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich.

I LOVE this book, I could not put it down! I red it in 2 days and I loved it so much. When ever I thought I had things figured out and could predict what was happening next, then something else would happen and change everything. I loved the writing!
I love Hannah! She is everything! Smart. Strong. Resourceful. Honest. Loyal. True. Beautiful.

I can't wait for book club for this one, I love the ladies we meet with. We have a unique strong group of woman who have very different views but so many great discussions come from us!

I look forward to many many more books.....soon to come!

1 comment:

Roxy said...

I love book club too! And I am excited to get reading!