Friday, May 20, 2011

Tim is 21

I remember it like it was yesterday!

I was camping at Birch Bay Ranch and I could not sleep. I was just hot and restless. I wanted a Sunday baby. I thought I was in labor so many times that I did not even think my restlessness has anything to do with the fact that I was ready to have a baby.

Some friends came out on the porch with me and we were visiting. I could not get comfortable and they fell asleep.After a while I realized my insides were doing some very strange things. I woke up my friend Dana, who told me to go back to sleep. After much convincing she finally got up!

I had an amazing labor....until I hit 10 cm and everything STOPPED! I had NO desire to push, no more contractions, just done. Well then came the vacuum thing. That did not work. They gave me pitocin to get the contractions going, that was horrid, I think I would have rather been shot. I was tired and wanted to sleep. My body was done and baby was happy roasting a bit more.

Then came the forcepts, He came out this perfect little baby boy. All cone head and squishy. So beautiful and mine. I was not sure how I felt because no words could describe the incredible love that soared through my soul. He was perfect. he let out his I am here gentle cry and I held him.

From that moment in time life became magical. Every sweet breath, every coo, every single moment he drew on my heart. I loved him so much. He was so beautiful and easy. He was a beautiful baby.

That baby grew and I can go on about every single moment in his life as they are all dancing in my soul. His first steps, he was so little and his tuft of blond hair, he was so careful and then took off. His first time as a ring bearer, and many to follow. His first crush, Kelsey 2 grades older. The excitement he had at meeting one of his best friends, his baby brother, Jakob. He adored and still does his sister Taty, He to this day is so connected and great with them.He was so amazing to friends and was surrounded by many. He did some modelling and acting as a wee guy, only 4 yrs old. How he was able to go to Hollywood and work. How he loved his friends, How he followed God. I remember when he went on a missions trip, I wanted him to appreciate his life, he thought they were worked to hard. How we travelled, so many road trips, so many times to California. I remember his first college class, I was so worried, he was 15. But he was amazing. I remember the times his gentle heart dealt with some things life throws at us. I remember when he became an EMT, I was so worried as we studied together an he has to cover the pictures so i could read to him. I remember how for a while we really did not see eye to eye but always felt heart to heart. I remember his moving out, I cried, I longed for my baby. But I knew it was right. I remember meeting Kassia, his fiancee, an how I wanted to protect him, but he loved her and he was right, she is amazing. I remember and will always remember the amazing beautiful boy he is.

One day 21 years ago, I met one of the most beautiful people I have had the privilege of meeting, he is my son, he is my boy and I love him with all my being and look forward to watching and remembering all there is to know about him.

If love can be described with one word today for me it is Timothy. I grew as a person because of him, he is unbelievably amazing.

Happiest birthday to the incredible Timothy! I love you!

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