Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prince Edward Island!

It is unbelievably gorgeous here on PEI. People say the dirt and sand is red but it is actually RED. I thought it would have a red tinge to it but it is very red, looks like baseball diamond red. And it stains! I love it, the rolling hills and greens every where is amazing. The water is beautiful and so many different beaches. So far we have gone to 4 I think.

I guess Amanda likes shopping in Cavendish. Perhaps it was the ocean air but here it is Amanda in a dress, hanger and all! I love this pic of her it is so unlike her and so fun! We found this amazing boardwalk market. Jake was so happy to have discovered a skim board which he finally spent a bit of his own coveted money!

As I said we all went a little crazy in Cavendish! Here I am in my beautiful hat, like it?

I love the family photo! The beautiful lady on the end is Amanda's mother, Shona, trying to go incognito but we all know it is her!

More to come have to go eat some amazing breakfast of smoked salmon, dill, eggs, cream cheese and something else.....

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