Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Zoo Day with Tatyanah and Casy

Tatyanah skipped school so we could go to the zoo for the day. It is a small zoo but quaint and serves a great purpose. Our zoo is a nursery and houses old guys!

Casy's favorite guy!

Just hanging out

 The new seals area is amazing and huge! They have so much room to play and explore!

Chasing Geese

Last time we were at the zoo, these 2 old guys decided to have a fight, they obviously have made up!

This snow leopard was throwing around a dead white rabbit.

 I love Otters

I could not figure out what he was....a shaved Lama

 I loved these two, just snuggled up like the best of friends

Our Garden at the Community Garden

This is the beginning, after lots of poop and rototilling and work!
We planted but I don't have that picture yet.

The whole family came out to help!


How do you say goodbye to something you love so much?

We got Takoda as a sweet little 8 week old puppy and he was amazing, he still is but something has changed in him and it is only getting more obvious every day.

Last week he was pepper sprayed. If you knew this dog, you would never believe it. He is the kindest, sweetest, most amazing dogs ever.

And then there is Jake. Our 16 year old son, he is also fabulous and amazing.But he is so different with Takoda. 

Takoda does not act aggressive, not at all, he is a sweet dog but he has become very insecure and nervous.Jake panders to it and Takoda is so weird around Jake. I wish I knew how to explain it better. He is becoming unpredictable. We have been working with him for 2 years and it keeps getting worse. If he senses weak energy, he rolls into that person and it looks like he is snuggly but he is not, he is being dominant. So far easy to deal with, but we can not always be there and what happens when he continues to escalate? 

He gets more nervous every day. He loves calm. He loves quiet. We are super active and always busy! He does not like it.

So after months of tears and hard decisions, we began a search. Many poeple wanted him, everyone always wants him. But he needs a certain home. Lots of love, excersise and attention, BUT with a strong leader and someone who understands dogs! 
We found her, Denise. And her mom and sister. They are as close to perfect as we could have imagined. 
Best of all, they will send us pics and we can meet up with them time to time. 

It is so hard, but I know in my soul it is the best for Takoda! 

So tomorrow night, I will cry, saying goodbye is always so hard but when it is someone who is so special, it is a lot~!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Have Scooter, Will travel

Tatyanah's best friend Casy got a scooter and they are now off on adventures galore!

Gorgeous Little Monkey!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Amanda got accepted to the Art Gallery Fundraiser

I am so proud of Amanda! She is brilliant! 

She paints these amazing pictures and everyone loves them and she wants to start selling them, not sure where to begin.

She found out about a fundraiser to help raise funds for Arts programs in our community and she jumped right in!

She had to submit her pieces for approval and the were APPROVED!

She is simply amazing!